Breakfast, Afterschool & Holiday Clubs

Outdoor Activities

Stimulating & Creative Fun

Arts, Crafts, Board Games & Toys

Welcome to Tetita Childcare

Breakfast, Afterschool & Holiday Clubs in Sittingbourne, Kent

Tetita Childcare is an Ofsted registered childcare provider in Sittingbourne, Kent. Providing safe, secure and relaxed environment for ages 4 to 11 years. Activities are designed to be fun, creative and stimulating.

Breakfast Club

Start the morning with breakfast from 7:00am, with a choice of cereals and toast, followed by a range of supervised activities.

Breakfast club is open to all year groups in the school until 08:30am

Breakfast Club Sittingbourne
Breakfast Club Sittingbourne

Afterschool Club

At Tetita Afterschool club our emphasis is on children having fun, we focus on activities and resources that meet the child’s individual needs and interests.

We offer indoor activities such as arts, crafts and construction toys as well as the opportunity to explore outdoors and encourage physical activities.

Holiday Club

At Tetita Afterschool club our emphasis is on children having fun, we focus on activities and resources that meet the child’s individual needs and interests.

We offer indoor activities such as arts, crafts and construction toys as well as the opportunity to explore outdoors and encourage physical activities.

Holiday Clubs for Schools, Kent

“Speak to your children as if they were the wisest, kindest, most beautiful and magical humans on earth for what they believe is what they’ll become” ~ Brooke Hampton